GCSE – Lesson 11 – Algorithms review

Curriculum KS4 Unit Lesson

In this lesson, learners will have time to practice and cement their knowledge on some of the things they have learnt throughout the algorithms unit. The worksheets contain a range of questions on flowcharts, searching algorithms, and sorting algorithms which will help prepare them for the summative assessment for this unit.

The slides contain solutions to a select few tasks from the worksheets that will provide you with an opportunity to check learners’ understanding and discuss these questions. It will also be useful to get learners to peer-assess the worksheets as much as possible so that they can gain an insight into how other learners have answered the questions, especially the “describe” and “explain” questions.

Learning objectives

  • Interpret algorithms and suggest improvements
  • Analyse and fix errors in a flowchart
  • Perform searching and sorting algorithms on samples of data

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework