Implementing a computing curriculum in Telangana
Find out more about the partnership and what we’ve learned so far
Introducing picamzero: Simplifying Raspberry Pi Camera projects for beginners
Helping beginner programmers create amazing projects using simple and understandable code
How to make debugging a positive experience for secondary school students
It’s important to understand why students struggle with debugging in order to better support them
Ada Computer Science: A year in review
A reflection on Ada Computer Science over the past twelve months.
How fun-filled Code Clubs drive learning: New evidence
New evidence confirms that attending Code Club leads to positive outcomes for young people
Introduce the Code Editor into your school
We've launched the beta version of Code Editor for Education with school accounts
Celebrating Coolest Projects 2024, plus dates for 2025
"The beauty is that everybody is encouraged."
The Computing Curriculum: Three global perspectives
Three educators share how they're using and adapting The Computing Curriculum's free resources
Introducing the new Code Club
A new look and feel to inspire 10 million more young people
Hello World #25 out now: Generative AI
Computing educators share their approaches to generative AI
Free online course on understanding AI for educators
Helping teachers bring AI into the classroom
How useful do teachers find error message explanations generated by AI? Pilot research results
LLM explanations of programming error messages and feedback literacy