Tag: Code Club
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What is the impact of attending a Code Club or CoderDojo?
Young people gain programming skills and much more
Creating connections at our 2023 Africa partner meetup
Learning and collaborating with Global Clubs Partners
Welcome, new partners: Growing the global impact of Code Club and CoderDojo
Our support for running coding clubs worldwide, and what we're learning
Get ready for Moonhack 2023: Bringing space down to Earth
Registration for Moonhack is now open
Bringing computing education research to a new global audience
Highlighting research to support our Global Clubs Partners
Celebrating the community: Spencer
One passionate teacher's journey from science to computer science
Introducing Code Clubs in eastern India: 32,000 more young digital makers
We've trained more than 1000 teachers in Odisha so far
Help us understand UK students’ attitudes to coding
All UK schools are invited to take part in this project
Clubs Conference 2023: Ideas and tools for CoderDojos and Code Clubs
Practical tools, insights, and ideas
Celebrating the community: Nadia
Working towards a Code Club in every school in Iraq
What to expect from the Raspberry Pi Foundation in 2023
We've got exciting stuff in the works for you this year
Building community with our Global Clubs Partners
A community for sharing resources, ideas, and knowledge