Tag: Experience AI
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A teacher’s guide to teaching Experience AI lessons
Discover how to teach AI effectively with free Experience AI resources
Teaching a generation of AI innovators in Malaysia with Experience AI
The journey of AI exploration in Malaysia has only just begun
Localising AI education: Adapting Experience AI for global impact
How we work with partners to adapt Experience AI for learners around the world
The Experience AI Challenge: Find out all you need to know
There’s still time for you to get involved in the Challenge
Experience AI: Making AI relevant and accessible
Google DeepMind’s Aimee Welch discusses our partnership on the Experience AI learning programme
AI literacy for teachers and students all over the world
We are building a global network of educational organisation to promote AI literacy
The Experience AI Challenge: Make your own AI project
We're inviting young people to design and make AI applications
Experience AI: Teach about AI, chatbots, and biology
Two new lessons on large language models and biology, and more
How we’re learning to explain AI terms for young people and educators
32 key AI-related terms explained for learners aged 11–14
Experience AI: The excitement of AI in your classroom
Free, cutting-edge resources on AI and machine learning for secondary school teachers and students
How anthropomorphism hinders AI education
Why we avoid describing AI as human-like in our learning resources for young people
AI education resources: What do we teach young people?
Using research to make sure young people learn about all aspects of AI and machine learning