All blog posts-
It’s GCSE results day!
The highs and the lows; the ecstasy and the agony...
Your Back-to-School Bootcamp with our free online training
Smash your personal programming goals this summer
Developer Q&A: brand-new online training courses
More new courses than you can shake a computer at!
Hello World Issue 6: Ethical Computing
Our guide to ethical computing, new online training courses, introducing Microblocks, and more...
Celebrating our teachers
What’s been your computing highlight of the year?
Transition from Scratch to Python with FutureLearn
Progress from block- to text-based programming
Four days of STEAM at Bett 2018
Rocking the Bett Show
Could you write for Hello World magazine?
Five reasons you should write for our computing education magazine
Our full 2017 schedule of UK Picademy events
Coming to cities around the UK
New online training courses: your questions answered
Train anywhere in the world with the Raspberry Pi Foundation!
Announcing our new online training series
Train with the Raspberry Pi Foundation anywhere in the world!
Apply for Skycademy 2016
All balloons, all the time. We are ready to launch and currently accepting applications.