Meg Wang, Author at Raspberry Pi Foundation Teach, learn and make with Raspberry Pi Tue, 24 Sep 2024 09:55:09 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Meg Wang, Author at Raspberry Pi Foundation 32 32 Hello World #25 out now: Generative AI Mon, 23 Sep 2024 11:00:11 +0000 Since they became publicly available at the end of 2022, generative AI tools have been hotly discussed by educators: what role should these tools for generating human-seeming text, images, and other media play in teaching and learning? Two years later, the one thing most people agree on is that, like it or not, generative AI…

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Since they became publicly available at the end of 2022, generative AI tools have been hotly discussed by educators: what role should these tools for generating human-seeming text, images, and other media play in teaching and learning?

Two years later, the one thing most people agree on is that, like it or not, generative AI is here to stay. And as a computing educator, you probably have your learners and colleagues looking to you for guidance about this technology. We’re sharing how educators like you are approaching generative AI in issue 25 of Hello World, out today for free.

Digital image of a copy of Hello World magazine, issue 25.

Generative AI and teaching

Since our ‘Teaching and AI’ issue a year ago, educators have been making strides grappling with generative AI’s place in their classroom, and with the potential risks to young people. In this issue, you’ll hear from a wide range of educators who are approaching this technology in different ways. 

For example:

  • Laura Ventura from Gwinnett County Public Schools (GCPS) in Georgia, USA shares how the GCPS team has integrated AI throughout their K–12 curriculum
  • Mark Calleja from our team guides you through using the OCEAN prompt process to reliably get the results you want from an LLM 
  • Kip Glazer, principal at Mountain View High School in California, USA shares a framework for AI implementation aimed at school leaders
  • Stefan Seegerer, a researcher and educator in Germany, discusses why unplugged activities help us focus on what’s really important in teaching about AI

This issue also includes practical solutions to problems that are unique to computer science educators:

  • Graham Hastings in the UK shares his solution to tricky crocodile clips when working with micro:bits
  • Riyad Dhuny shares his case study of home-hosting a learning management system with his students in Mauritius

And there is lots more for you to discover in issue 25.

Whether or not you use generative AI as part of your teaching practice, it’s important for you to be aware of AI technologies and how your young people may be interacting with it. In his article “A problem-first approach to the development of AI systems”, Ben Garside from our team affirms that:

“A big part of our job as educators is to help young people navigate the changing world and prepare them for their futures, and education has an essential role to play in helping people understand AI technologies so that they can avoid the dangers.

Our approach at the Raspberry Pi Foundation is not to focus purely on the threats and dangers, but to teach young people to be critical users of technologies and not passive consumers. […]

Our call to action to educators, carers, and parents is to have conversations with your young people about generative AI. Get to know their opinions on it and how they view its role in their lives, and help them to become critical thinkers when interacting with technology.”

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Computing teachers are being asked again to teach something that they didn’t study. With generative AI as with all things computing, we want to support your teaching and share your successes. We hope you enjoy this issue of Hello World, and please get in touch with your article ideas or what you would like to see in the magazine.

We’d like to thank Oracle for supporting this issue.

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Hello World #24 out now: Impact of tech Mon, 01 Jul 2024 12:09:37 +0000 Do you remember a time before social media? Mobile phones? Email? We are surrounded by digital technology, and new applications impact our lives whether we engage with them or not. Issue 24 of Hello World, out today for free, gives you ideas for how to help your learners think openly and critically about technology. Teaching…

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Do you remember a time before social media? Mobile phones? Email? We are surrounded by digital technology, and new applications impact our lives whether we engage with them or not. Issue 24 of Hello World, out today for free, gives you ideas for how to help your learners think openly and critically about technology.

Teaching about the impact of technology 

For learners to become informed, empowered citizens, they need to understand the impact technology has on them as individuals, and on society as a whole. In our brand-new issue of Hello World, educators share insights from their work in and around classrooms that will help you engage your learners in learning about and discussing the impact of tech.

For example:

  • Jasmeen Kanwal and the team at Data Education in Schools share their resources for how young people can start to learn the skills they need to change the world with data
  • Julie York writes about how incorporating AI education into any classroom can help students prepare for future careers
  • Ben Hall discusses whether technology is divisive or inclusive, and how you can encourage students to think critically about it
Two learners in a computing classroom.

This issue also includes stories on how educators use technology to create a positive impact for learners:

  • Yolanda Payne tells you how she’s using teaching experiences from the COVID-19 pandemic to bring better remote learning to communities in Georgia, USA, and in the US Virgin Islands
  • Mitchel Resnick and Natalie Rusk from Lifelong Kindergarten group at MIT Media Lab introduce their new free mobile app, OctoStudio, and how it helps learners and educators in underresourced areas get creative with code

And there is lots more for you to discover in issue 24.

The issue also covers how you can make time to teach about the impact of technology in an already packed curriculum. Sway Grantham, Senior Learning Manager at the Raspberry Pi Foundation, says in her article:

“As adults, it is easy for us to see the impact technology has had on society and on our lives. Yet when I tell pupils that, within my lifetime, it wasn’t always illegal to hold your mobile phone to your ear and have a call while driving, they are horrified. They are living in the now and don’t yet have the perspective to allow them to see the change that has happened. However, knowing the impact of technology allows us to learn from previous mistakes, to make decisions around ethical behaviour (such as using a phone while driving), and to critically engage in real-world issues.

As teachers, allocating some time to this topic throughout the year can seem challenging, but with a few small changes, the impact might be more than you can imagine.”

Share your thoughts & subscribe to Hello World

With so many aspects of life impacted by technology, computing educators play a crucial role in supporting young people to become informed, empowered citizens. We hope you enjoy this issue of Hello World and find it useful in your teaching.

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Hello World #23 out now: Global exchange of computing education ideas Mon, 19 Feb 2024 09:55:00 +0000 How is computing taught around the globe? Our brand-new, free issue of Hello World, out today, paints a picture for you. It features stories from over 20 countries, where educators, researchers, and volunteers share their work and their personal challenges and joys in bringing computing education to their part of the world. Global exchange in…

The post Hello World #23 out now: Global exchange of computing education ideas appeared first on Raspberry Pi Foundation.

How is computing taught around the globe? Our brand-new, free issue of Hello World, out today, paints a picture for you. It features stories from over 20 countries, where educators, researchers, and volunteers share their work and their personal challenges and joys in bringing computing education to their part of the world.

The Hello World Global Exchange magazine cover on a plain background.

Global exchange in a worldwide community

In Hello World issue 23, you’ll hear about countries where computing is an official school subject and how it was set up that way, and you’ll hear about countries that are newer to computing education and working to fast-track their students’ learning.

  • Ethel Tshukudu’s article on her research using the CAPE framework is a fascinating comparison of computer science education in four African countries
  • Iliana Ramirez describes how volunteers are at the heart of Ciberistas, a technology training programme for young people in Mexico
  • Matthew Griffin’s article highlights how computing education works in Canada, a large country with two official languages
  • Dana Rensi’s article about a solar-powered Raspberry Pi computing lab in the middle of the Peruvian rainforest will surprise and delight you
  • Randal Rousseau, a librarian in Cape Town, South Africa, shares how he teaches children to code through unplugged activities

And there is lots more for you to discover in issue 23.

Sue Sentance, director of the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre at the University of Cambridge, says in her article:

“Our own experience of implementing computing education in England since 2014 has shown the importance of teachers supporting each other, and how various networks … are instrumental in bringing computing teachers together to share knowledge and experiences. With so many countries introducing computing education, and teachers around the globe facing similar challenges, maybe we need to extend this to a global teacher network, where teachers and policymakers can share good practice and learn from each other. “

We aim for Hello World magazine to be one of the places where this sharing, exchange, and learning can take place. Subscribe for free to never miss an issue, and find out how you can write for the magazine.

Download Hello World issue 23 for free

Research highlights the importance of computing education to young people’s futures, whether or not they pursue a degree or career in the area. From teaching computing in schools where the electricity cuts out, to incorporating artificial intelligence into curricula in different countries, and to teaming up with local governments when there isn’t a national computing curriculum, educators are doing wonderful things around the globe to make sure the young people they support have the opportunity to learn. Read their stories today.

Also in issue 23:

  • Research on culturally adapted resources 
  • How community building enhances computing education
  • Tips for hosting a STEM event in school

And much, much more.

Send us a message or tag us on social media to let us know which articles have made you think, and most importantly, which will help you with your teaching. And to hear monthly news about Hello World and the whole Raspberry Pi Foundation, sign up to the Hello World newsletter.

The post Hello World #23 out now: Global exchange of computing education ideas appeared first on Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Hello World #22 out now: Teaching & AI Mon, 23 Oct 2023 14:19:28 +0000 Recent developments in artificial intelligence are changing how the world sees computing and challenging computing educators to rethink their approach to teaching. In the brand-new issue of Hello World, out today for free, we tackle some big questions about AI and computing education. We also get practical with resources for your classroom. Teaching and AI…

The post Hello World #22 out now: Teaching & AI appeared first on Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Recent developments in artificial intelligence are changing how the world sees computing and challenging computing educators to rethink their approach to teaching. In the brand-new issue of Hello World, out today for free, we tackle some big questions about AI and computing education. We also get practical with resources for your classroom.

Cover of Hello World issue 22.

Teaching and AI

In their articles for issue 22, educators explore a range of topics related to teaching and AI, including what is AI literacy and how do we teach it; gender bias in AI and what we can do about it; how to speak to young children about AI; and why anthropomorphism hinders learners’ understanding of AI.

Our feature articles also include a research digest on AI ethics for children, and of course hands-on examples of AI lessons for your learners.

A snapshot of AI education

Hello World issue 22 is a comprehensive snapshot of the current landscape of AI education. Ben Garside, Learning Manager for our Experience AI programme and guest editor of this issue, says:

“When I was teaching in the classroom, I used to enjoy getting to grips with new technological advances and finding ways in which I could bring them into school and excite the students I taught. Occasionally, during the busiest of times, I’d also look longingly at other subjects and be jealous that their curriculum appeared to be more static than ours (probably a huge misconception on my behalf).”

It’s inspiring for me to see how the education community is reacting to the opportunities that AI can provide.

Ben Garside

“It’s inspiring for me to see how the education community is reacting to the opportunities that AI can provide. Of course, there are elements of AI where we need to tread carefully and be very cautious in our approach, but what you’ll see in this magazine is educators who are thinking creatively in this space.”

Download Hello World issue 22 for free

AI is a topic we’ve addressed before in Hello World, and we’ll keep covering this rapidly evolving area in future. We hope this issue gives you plenty of ideas to take away and build upon.

Also in issue 22:

  • Vocational training for young people
  • Making the most of online educator training
  • News about BBC micro:bit
  • An insight into the WiPSCE 2023 conference for teachers and educators
  • And much, much more

You can download your free PDF issue now, or purchase a print copy from our store. UK-based subscribers for a free print edition can expect their copies to arrive in the mail this week.

Send us a message or tag us on social media to let us know which articles have made you think and, most importantly, which will help you with your teaching.

The post Hello World #22 out now: Teaching & AI appeared first on Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Celebrating the community: Adarsh Thu, 12 Jan 2023 14:07:36 +0000 In our work, we get to meet so many super inspiring young people who make things with technology. Our series of community stories is one way we share their journeys and enthusiasm for digital making with you. Today we’re introducing you to Adarsh from California, USA. Meet Adarsh We first met Adarsh at the Coolest…

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In our work, we get to meet so many super inspiring young people who make things with technology. Our series of community stories is one way we share their journeys and enthusiasm for digital making with you.

Today we’re introducing you to Adarsh from California, USA.

Young tech creator Adarsh with his Raspberry Pi projects.

Meet Adarsh

Help us celebrate Adarsh and inspire other young people by sharing his story on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

We first met Adarsh at the Coolest Projects USA showcase in 2019, when he was 15 years old. Adarsh was chosen as the Coolest Projects judges’ favourite in the showcase’s Hardware category for making a Smart Sprinkler System, which can serve an entire community. He was inspired to create this project by the need he saw in California to manage water during a drought. Using a Raspberry Pi computer, he built a moisture sensor–based sprinkler system that integrates real-time weather forecast data and Twitter feeds to dispense only optimum amounts of water, in compliance with city water regulations. Adarsh says:

“The world around us right now has a lot of different problems that need to be solved and so the way that I get inspired is by looking outwards.”

In 2020, Coolest Projects Global went online with young people across the world sharing their tech projects, and Adarsh created a project for the showcase to solve another real-life problem he had witnessed. When Adarsh had been in middle school, his mother had to be rushed to hospital with a sudden heart problem. The experience of seeing her hooked up to lots of vital sign monitors, with the wires hindering her movement, stayed in his memory. It led Adarsh to create another tech project: the Contactless Vital Signs Monitor. This low-cost device can be used to monitor a person’s skin temperature, heart rate, respiratory rate, blood pressure, and oxygen saturation without needing to be in direct contact with them. Adarsh’s contactless monitor lets patients rest more comfortably and also keeps healthcare staff safer from infections.

Tech creator Adarsh and his mother on a walk in their California neighbourhood.
Adarsh and his mother on a walk in their California neighbourhood.

Adarsh entered his Contactless Vital Signs Monitor in the Davidson Fellows Scholarship programme, which recognises students who have completed significant projects that have the potential to benefit society.

Adarsh has this message for other young people who think they might like to try creating things with tech:

“None of these projects, to get to the stage where they are today, were without frustration or difficulties. That’s part of the process. You should expect that. Because of all the struggles I had, the fact that I was able to build all of this is so much more rewarding to me.”

Helping each other solve problems

A big part of coding and digital making is problem-solving and collaboration. Adarsh told us that he had a really great mentor, Johan, who introduced him to coding and Raspberry Pi hardware, and showed him where Adarsh could ask for help online.

“[The Raspberry Pi community] is such a large and inclusive community. It welcomes young students — even older adults who are first starting to develop their interest in computer science — and we all are developing our own skills, our own projects, and our own passions together, and while doing so, we’re helping each other out.”

Tech creator Adarsh and his mentor Johan.
Adarsh with his mentor Johan.

The future for Adarsh

Now a freshman at Stanford University, Adarsh is currently doing an epidemiology-related research project about the relationship between COVID-19 mutations and environmental, health, and demographic statistics. He wants to focus either on biomedical engineering or environmental engineering in his studies.

“Really [what I’m studying at university] is going to involve engineering or computer science largely due to the Raspberry Pi and the early influence it has had on my life.”

Thanks for inspiring us, Adarsh, and for letting us share your story with the community!

Help us celebrate Adarsh and inspire other young people to discover coding and digital making as a passion, by sharing his story on Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram.

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