All blog posts-
Closing the digital divide with Raspberry Pi computers
Almost 5000 kits delivered so far
Learning at home with the Raspberry Pi Foundation
Our free resources are here for you!
New Chair and Trustees of the Raspberry Pi Foundation
We are looking forward to working with them
What are the effects of the pandemic on education? | Hello World #13
What challenges will students and educators face?
How the Raspberry Pi Foundation is responding to the novel coronavirus
Our response to the novel coronavirus
Celebrate the Raspberry Pi’s 8th birthday at a Raspberry Jam
Is the Raspberry Pi turning 8 or 2?
Support the Raspberry Pi Foundation this #GivingTuesday
Giving makes you happy
A world-class computing education
Unprecedented government funding for computing education in England
Announcing Coolest Projects 2019
The world’s leading technology fair for young people
Working with the Scout Association on digital skills for life
Launching the new Digital Maker Staged Activity Badge
Computing in schools: the report card
An important study of the state of computing in UK schools