Ooh, BETTy (look, it’s Sunday morning, it’s the best I can do)
The RPF Education Team is just back from BETT, the education technology show, and it was very good indeed. I love BETT: you get to talk to lots of interesting people about stuff that you’re passionate about; play with the Raspberry Pi and pretend that it’s work; see all the latest education tech; and generally show off. (At the same time it’s also an extraordinarily gruelling four days of demos, talks, meetings, interviews and PR. I feel like I’ve spent the last week being simultaneously coddled with a tickling stick and beaten with a sock full of oranges.)
The show got off to a great start for us when Education Secretary Michael Gove called Raspberry Pi a “brilliant British tech business” in his opening keynote and highlighted the MOOC that we’ve helped create with OCR and Cambridge University Press. It was also surprising and gratifying to see Raspberry Pis on so many stands and in products around the show. Anyway, it’s Sunday so less writing and more pictures are in order:

The Raspberry Pi Foundation Education Team. From left: Dave Honess, Carrie Anne Philbin, Clive Beale and Ben Nuttall
Finally, a big thanks to:
- everyone who came to talk to us and to watch the demos and seminars;
- OCR for hosting us;
- Dave, Ben and Carrie Anne, the RPF Education Team. Let’s do it again next year :)
The Raspberry Pi Guy
Great work guys! You must be exhausted!
No picture of my badge then ;-)
It’s true, rm -rf * solves most problems. sudo rm -rf * solves them all.
Excellent photos. It is REALLY fantastic to see such a positive buzz around technology education in the UK.
Kudos to the lot of you.
*sigh* should have tested my code… meant:
sudo rm -rf /*
Jonathan Morris
Doesn’t rm -rf mean rm recursively and then force it to do it again.
Raspberry Pi Staff Gordon
I’d just like to make it quite clear to people visiting this site for the first time that ‘rm -rf /*’ is not going to help anything…
Although it will teach you a lot…
clive — post author
I’ve actually got people to do this as part of Raspberry Pi workshops before — at least I have since NOOBS came out!
As you say — a very useful learning point :D
Raspberry Pi Staff eben
And one of the quickest ways to defrag your SD card :)
What you don’t have this command setup to run when you press the big red button…just as the door is smashed down???
Jim Manley
Great job, fellow edumacators, wish I could have attended, even just virtually! :D
A lot of people are under the misimpression that the “f” in rm -rf /* stands for “force”, but as your friendly neighbo(u)rhood computing historian, I can inform you that it stands for the four-letter expletive inevitably uttered just after the Enter key is pressed following typing of this command! :lol:
What is the shortest measurable time interval? The ohnosecond. Which is defined as that interval between pressing Enter and realising I Really Didn’t Want To Do That.
its actually half that.
the action begins when you lift the finger off the key..
Dale Mitchell
“Wearing the Pi with pride”. I sure hope that’s either a replica or an already broken Pi, because that shirt is a hotbed for electrostatic discharge!
clive — post author
It’s a Faraday Shirt, with conductive threads woven throughout.
Jim Manley
So, that’s your story and it’s sticking to you, eh? :lol:
Personally, I find such crowds generate enough perspiration that electrostatic discharge is the least of my worries! :(
Clive likes to live life dangerously.
I thought Clive said he got the shirt free of charge?
Raspberry Pi Staff liz
It, and Clive, are constructed entirely from natural fibres.
What about Babbage?
From left: Dave Honess, Babbage the Bear, Carrie Anne Philbin, Clive Beale and Ben Nuttall
Morris Smith
Where do I buy a tee shirt like Clives ??
From very wet Somerset
Looks excellent, I bet the show looked rather different 2 years ago!
No blue T-shirt for Carrie Anne?
Raspberry Pi Staff liz
She’s a dresses person!
clive — post author
She went ronin on us and strode the halls of BETT, kicking ass; signing books; and dispensing useful pedagogical advice and stickers.
At first glance it looked like one of Team Pi has a name-badge clamped to their nose…
Can wait until I get my Pi for my birthday (and a how to book). I have been watching your site for a while now and the projects are fantastic, I hope I can replicate some of them!
i love the “oooh BETTy” I imagine it’s a reference from “some mothers do have ’em” I loved that show… funniest show since “Watery Fowls:Faulty Towers” :)
clive — post author
Top SMDHE trivia: the theme tune is based on the morse code of the title.
Watch this little ear-meme :) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4mJWCfGj8Jk
Can you tell me what for a nice white roboter chassis it is on the second picture?
Raspberry Pi Staff Gordon
That would be my daughter’s Rover (from Brookstone) that I ‘adjusted’ to make it ‘better’