Impact of our work Archives - Raspberry Pi Foundation Teach, learn and make with Raspberry Pi Thu, 23 Jan 2025 08:41:35 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Impact of our work Archives - Raspberry Pi Foundation 32 32 Entry is open for Coolest Projects 2025 Tue, 14 Jan 2025 11:00:13 +0000 Coolest Projects is our global technology showcase for young people aged up to 18. Coolest Projects gives young creators the incredible opportunity to share the cool stuff they’ve made using digital technology with a global audience. Everyone who takes part will also receive certificates and rewards to celebrate their achievements. What you need to know…

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Coolest Projects is our global technology showcase for young people aged up to 18. Coolest Projects gives young creators the incredible opportunity to share the cool stuff they’ve made using digital technology with a global audience. Everyone who takes part will also receive certificates and rewards to celebrate their achievements.

Young creator Jay showcases his Coolest Projects creation at an in-person event.

What you need to know about Coolest Projects

The Coolest Projects online showcase is open to young people worldwide. Young creators can enter their projects to share them with the world in our online project gallery and join our extra special livestream event to celebrate what they have made with the global Coolest Projects community.

By taking part in Coolest Projects, young people can join an international community of young makers, represent their country, receive feedback on their projects, and get certificates to recognise their achievements.

Coolest Projects is completely free to take part in, and we welcome all digital technology projects, from young people’s very first projects to advanced builds. The projects also don’t have to be completed before they can be submitted.

Photo of two young people sitting at laptops at a Coolest Projects event.

Projects can be submitted to one of seven categories: Scratch, games, web, mobile apps, hardware, advanced programming, and AI (new for 2025).

  • Young creators up to age 18 can take part individually or in teams of up to five friends
  • Any young person anywhere in the world can take part in the online showcase, and there are in-person events in some countries for local creators, too (find out more below)
  • Submissions for the online showcase are now open and close on 28 May 2025
  • All creators, mentors, volunteers, teachers, parents, and supporters are invited to the special celebration livestream on 25 June 2025

We know Coolest Projects has a big impact on young people all over the world, and we can’t wait to see your creations for 2025. You can find out more about the incredible creativity and collaboration from mentors and makers worldwide in our 2024 impact report.

How to submit your project

Photo of three young creators discussing their project at an in-person Coolest Projects event.

Taking part in Coolest Projects is simple:

  • Young people think of an idea for their project or choose something they’ve already made and are proud of
  • Young people work with friends to create their project or make it on their own 
  • Creators (with the help of mentors if needed) enter projects via the Coolest Projects website by 28 May
  • Creators’ projects are shared with the world in the online showcase gallery
  • Creators, mentors, and supporters explore the amazing projects in the online gallery and join the livestream on 25 June to celebrate young creators’ achievements with the Coolest Projects community worldwide

Mentors — entering more than one project? Sign up for a group code, and your young people can link their projects to your account.

  1. Sign up or log in. If you don’t have one already, you’ll need to set up a Raspberry Pi account. Click on the ‘sign up’ link in the top right-hand corner of the website to create one, and provide your details. You’ll be emailed a verification code as part of the sign-up process. If you already have an account, you can just log in.
  1. Create a group. Once signed in, you’ll be able to create a group. You’ll be asked questions about your group, including the group name and the country you’re based in, and be asked to agree to some privacy policies before continuing. You will then be able to view your group code and group submissions on your group dashboard. 
Digital photo of the Coolest Porjects 2025 group code dashboard
  1. Share your group code with your young people. Your group dashboard should look like this, with your group code displayed. The group code is what your young people will need to link their submissions to your account. They’ll be asked to input their group code at the start of the project submission form.

Submit your coolest projects. Every young person who uses your group code will have their project linked to your account. You can review and edit their projects in your group dashboard and submit them from there. There is no limit to the number of young people who can submit entries using your group code.

For a more detailed run-through of how to use group codes, please see our ‘how-to’ video.

Coolest Projects in-person events in 2025

As well as the global online showcase, Coolest Projects in-person events are held for young people locally in certain countries. We encourage creators to take part in both the online showcase and their local in-person event. In 2025, creators can attend the following in-person events, run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation and partner organisations around the world:

  • Coolest Projects Ireland, 1 March 2025 (run by the Foundation) — entry closes on Friday 14 February 
  • Coolest Projects Belgium, 26 April 2025 (run by CoderDojo Belgium)
  • Coolest Projects USA, 5 April 2025 (run by the Foundation) — entry closes on Friday 14 March 2025
  • Coolest Projects UK, 17 May 2025 (run by the Foundation) — entry closes on Friday 2 May 2025 
  • Coolest Projects India, 2025 date coming soon (run by the Foundation)
  • Coolest Projects Ghana, 2025 date coming soon (run by Ghana Code Club)
  • Coolest Projects Malaysia, 2025 date coming soon (run by Penang Science Cluster)
  • Coolest Projects South Africa, 2025 date coming soon (run by CoderLevelUp)
Photo of young creators getting ready to cheer, whilst attending an in-person Coolest Projects event.

More events are on the way, so sign up for the Coolest Projects newsletter to be sure you hear about any in-person events in your country. And if there isn’t an event near you, don’t worry, as the online showcase is open to any young person anywhere in the world.

Need help with your submission? 

Coolest Projects welcomes all digital tech projects, from beginner to advanced, and there are loads of great resources available to help you help the young people in your community to take part. If you’re searching for inspiration, take a look at the 2024 showcase gallery, where you can explore the incredible projects submitted by participants last year.

You’ll find everything you need to know about all seven Coolest Projects categories on our category pages, including our brand new AI category. Our projects site is also a great place for participants to begin — there are hundreds of free step-by-step project guides to help young people create their own projects, whether they’re experienced tech creators or just getting started.

Photo of a young creator showcasing they're project to two Raspberry Pi Foundation judges.

We will also be running a series of online webinars for mentors and young people to help participants develop their creations for each Coolest Projects category. Sign up for the sessions here. All sessions will be recorded, so you can watch them back if you can’t join live.

Be sure to check out the Coolest Projects guidance page for resources to help you support young people throughout their Coolest Projects journey, including a mentor guide and session plans. 

There’s lots more exciting news to come, from the announcement of our VIP judges to details about this year’s swag, so sign up for updates to be the first to know. 

Whether your coders have already made something that they want to share, or they’re inspired to make something new, Coolest Projects is the place for them. We can’t wait to see what they create!

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Five reasons to join the Astro Pi Challenge, backed by our impact report Tue, 17 Dec 2024 13:26:58 +0000 We are excited to share our report on the impact of the 2023/24 Astro Pi Challenge. Earlier this year we conducted surveys and focus groups with mentors who took part in the Astro Pi Challenge, to understand the value and impact the challenge offers to young people and mentors. You can read the full report…

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We are excited to share our report on the impact of the 2023/24 Astro Pi Challenge. Earlier this year we conducted surveys and focus groups with mentors who took part in the Astro Pi Challenge, to understand the value and impact the challenge offers to young people and mentors. You can read the full report here, but here are the highlights.

A child taking part in Astro Pi Mission Zero.

What is the Astro Pi Challenge?

The European Astro Pi Challenge is an ESA Education project run in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. It offers young people the amazing opportunity to learn how to code and conduct scientific investigations in space, by writing computer programs that run on Raspberry Pi computers on board the International Space Station (ISS). The annual Astro Pi Challenge is open to young people up to age 19 in ESA member and associate countries.

Each year, there are two missions: Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab.

Five reasons to take part in the Astro Pi Challenge

Based on the findings in this report, we wanted to highlight five great reasons to take part in the Astro Pi Challenge, and direct you to some resources to help you get started — there is still plenty of time to enter the 2024/25 challenge!

ESA astronaut Sławosz Uznański Astro Pi Challenge 2025 ambassador.

1. Young people get to run their code in space

Mentors told us how excited young people were to be working on something that connected with the real world, and how proud they were that their code ran on the International Space Station.

“Participating in Mission Space Labs offers students a great opportunity to work with the International Space Station, to see the Earth from above, to challenge them to overcome the terrestrial limits.” – Mission Space Lab mentor

2. Young people are inspired to continue to learn

91% of mentors told us that young people who successfully wrote code for Mission Space Lab were likely or very likely to participate in computing and digital making challenges in the future.

Mission Zero mentors shared that young people who saw others take part in the mission were inspired to get involved.

3. Young people learn new skills

Mission Space Lab mentors told us that young people who successfully wrote code for Mission Space Lab had a greater understanding of STEM concepts, and increased their skills and confidence in computing and digital making.

Mentors also said that Mission Zero provides a great first step into using Python.

“I think it was very good at setting up the first bit of Python and just having a very limited command set and a very quick result…” – Mission Zero mentor

4. Astro Pi mentors have fun

It’s not just the young people that enjoy Astro Pi — 95% of Mission Space Lab mentors and 99% of Mission Zero mentors said they somewhat or very much enjoyed taking part.

5. We provide the resources and support Astro Pi mentors need

Mentors gave us positive feedback on the guidance we provided to help them support young people. This year, we have produced even more resources and ways to support mentors to lead missions.

“The Mission [Space] Lab guide was fantastic for my students; step by step” – Mission Space Lab mentor

How to get involved

Astro Pi opened for registration on 16 September this year, and there is still plenty of time for you to sign up and run the missions with your young people. You can find all the information you need to take part on, including the mentor guides, which help you prepare to run the activities.

Mission Zero mentor guide
Mission Space Lab mentor guide

We also provide project guides for Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab that walk young people through the steps they need to follow to get a working program ready for submission.

Mission Space Lab workshop held at RPF HQ.

If you would like some help getting started, you can:

Key dates

17:30 – 18:30 CET, 16 January – Mission Space Lab livestream and technical Q&A
17:30 – 18:30 CET, 28 January – Mission Zero codealong
09:00 CET, 24 February – Mission Space Lab closes
09:00 CET, 24 March – Mission Zero closes

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Ada Computer Science: What have we learnt so far Tue, 19 Nov 2024 11:34:17 +0000 It’s been over a year since we launched Ada Computer Science, and we continue to see the numbers of students and teachers using the platform all around the world grow. Our recent year in review shared some of the key developments we’ve made since launching, many of which are a direct result of feedback from…

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It’s been over a year since we launched Ada Computer Science, and we continue to see the numbers of students and teachers using the platform all around the world grow. Our recent year in review shared some of the key developments we’ve made since launching, many of which are a direct result of feedback from our community.

Today, we are publishing an impact report that includes some of this feedback, along with what users are saying about the impact Ada Computer Science is having.

Computer science students at a desktop computer in a classroom.

Evaluating Ada Computer Science

Ada Computer Science is a free learning platform for computer science students and teachers. It provides high-quality, online learning materials to use in the classroom, for homework, and for revision. Our experienced team has created resources that cover every topic in the leading GCSE and A level computer science specifications.

From May to July 2024, we invited users to provide feedback via an online survey, and we got responses from 163 students and 27 teachers. To explore the feedback further, we also conducted in-depth interviews with three computer science teachers in September 2024.

How is Ada being used?

The most common ways students use Ada Computer Science — as reported by more than two thirds of respondents — is for revision and/or to complete work set by their teacher. Similarly, teachers most commonly said that they direct students to use Ada outside the classroom.

“I recommend my students use Ada Computer Science as their main textbook.” — Teacher

What is users’ experience of using Ada?

Most respondents agreed or strongly agreed that Ada is useful for learning (82%) and high quality (79%).

“Ada Computer Science has been very effective for independent revision, I like how it provides hints and pointers if you answer a question incorrectly.” — Student

Ada users were generally positive about their overall experience of the platform and using it to find the information they were looking for.

“Ada is one of the best for hitting the nail on the head. They’ve really got it in tune with the depth that exam boards want.” — Ian Robinson, computer science teacher (St Alban’s Catholic High School, UK)

What impact is Ada having?

Around half of the teachers agreed that Ada had reduced their workload and/or increased their subject knowledge. Across all respondents, teachers estimated that the average weekly time saving was 1 hour 8 minutes.

Additionally, 81% of students agreed that as a result of using Ada, they had become better at understanding computer science concepts. Other benefits were reported too, with most students agreeing that they had become better problem-solvers, for example.

“I love Ada! It is an extremely helpful resource… The content featured is very comprehensive and detailed, and the visual guides… are particularly helpful to aid my understanding.” — Student

Future developments

Since receiving this feedback, we have already released updated site navigation and new question finder designs. In 2025, we are planning improvements to the markbook (for example, giving teachers an overview of the assignments they’ve set) and to how assignments can be created.

If you’d like to read more about the findings, there’s a full report for you to download. Thank you to everyone who took the time to take part — we really value your feedback!

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Implementing a computing curriculum in Telangana Thu, 24 Oct 2024 09:09:06 +0000 Last year we launched a partnership with the Government of Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGSWREIS) in Telangana, India to develop and implement a computing curriculum at their Coding Academy School and Coding Academy College. Our impact team is conducting an evaluation. Read on to find out more about the partnership and what…

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Last year we launched a partnership with the Government of Telangana Social Welfare Residential Educational Institutions Society (TGSWREIS) in Telangana, India to develop and implement a computing curriculum at their Coding Academy School and Coding Academy College. Our impact team is conducting an evaluation. Read on to find out more about the partnership and what we’ve learned so far.

Aim of the partnership 

The aim of our partnership is to enable students in the school and undergraduate college to learn about coding and computing by providing the best possible curriculum, resources, and training for teachers. 

Students sit in a classroom and watch the lecture slides.

As both institutions are government institutions, education is provided for free, with approximately 800 high-performing students from disadvantaged backgrounds currently benefiting. The school is co-educational up to grade 10 and the college is for female undergraduate students only. 

The partnership is strategically important for us at the Raspberry Pi Foundation because it helps us to test curriculum content in an Indian context, and specifically with learners from historically marginalised communities with limited resources.

Adapting our curriculum content for use in Telangana

Since our partnership began, we’ve developed curriculum content for students in grades 6–12 in the school, which is in line with India’s national education policy requiring coding to be introduced from grade 6. We’ve also developed curriculum content for the undergraduate students at the college. 

Students and educators engage in digital making.

In both cases, the content was developed based on an initial needs assessment — we used the assessment to adapt content from our previous work on The Computing Curriculum. Local examples were integrated to make the content relatable and culturally relevant for students in Telangana. Additionally, we tailored the content for different lesson durations and to allow a higher frequency of lessons. We captured impact and learning data through assessments, lesson observations, educator interviews, student surveys, and student focus groups.

Curriculum well received by educators and students

We have found that the partnership is succeeding in meeting many of its objectives. The curriculum resources have received lots of positive feedback from students, educators, and observers.

Students and educators engage in digital making.

In our recent survey, 96% of school students and 85% of college students reported that they’ve learned new things in their computing classes. This was backed up by assessment marks, with students scoring an average of 70% in the school and 69% in the college for each assessment, compared to a pass mark of 40%. Students were also positive about their experiences of the computing and coding classes, and particularly enjoyed the practical components.

“My favourite thing in this computing classes [sic] is doing practical projects. By doing [things] practically we learnt a lot.” – Third year undergraduate student, Coding Academy College

“Since their last SA [summative assessment] exam, students have learnt spreadsheet [concepts] and have enjoyed applying them in activities. Their favourite part has been example codes, programming, and web-designing activities.” – Student focus group facilitator, grade 9 students, Coding Academy School

However, we also found some variation in outcomes for different groups of students and identified some improvements that are needed to ensure the content is appropriate for all. For example, educators and students felt improvements were needed to the content for undergraduates specialising in data science — there was a wish for the content to be more challenging and to more effectively prepare students for the workplace. Some amendments have been made to this content and we will continue to keep this under review. 

In addition, we faced some challenges with the equipment and infrastructure available. For example, there were instances of power cuts and unstable internet connections. These issues have been addressed as far as possible with Wi-Fi dongles and educators adapting their delivery to work with the equipment available.

Our ambition for India

Our team has already made some improvements to our curriculum content in preparation for the new academic year. We will also make further improvements based on the feedback received. 

Students and educators engage in digital making.

The long-term vision for our work in India is to enable any school in India to teach students about computing and creating with digital technologies. Over our five-year partnership, we plan to work with TGSWREIS to roll out a computing curriculum to other government schools within the state. 

Through our work in Telangana and Odisha, we are learning about the unique challenges faced by government schools. We’re designing our curriculum to address these challenges and ensure that every student in India has the opportunity to thrive in the 21st century. If you would like to know more about our work and impact in India, please reach out to us at

We take the evaluation of our work seriously and are always looking to understand how we can improve and increase the impact we have on the lives of young people. To find out more about our approach to impact, you can read about our recently updated theory of change, which supports how we evaluate what we do.

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How fun-filled Code Clubs drive learning: New evidence Mon, 07 Oct 2024 12:39:40 +0000 When you walk into a vibrant Code Club, it is easy to see that the young creators are having fun with digital making. But are they actually learning anything? Our recent evaluation has shown that not only are they developing their coding skills, but there are many other benefits. Code Club is a network of…

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When you walk into a vibrant Code Club, it is easy to see that the young creators are having fun with digital making. But are they actually learning anything? Our recent evaluation has shown that not only are they developing their coding skills, but there are many other benefits.

Young person sitting at a laptop with an adult mentor helping them with their code.

Code Club is a network of free coding clubs where young people learn how to create with technology. The Raspberry Pi Foundation supports Code Clubs through training and guidance for mentors, and by providing learning resources that lead to meaningful and lasting learning outcomes for the young people attending the clubs.

Founded in the UK in 2012, Code Club has grown into a global movement and has already inspired more than 2 million young people to learn how to build their own apps, games, animations, websites, and so much more. We are incredibly proud of the impact Code Club has already achieved and we want many more young people to benefit. Our ambitious goal for the next decade is to reach 10 million more young people through Code Club.

New impact insights about Code Club

We’re ambitious about Code Club because we know it works. Over the last year, the Durham University Evidence Centre for Education (DECE) conducted an independent evaluation of the programme that confirmed earlier evidence: attending Code Club leads to positive outcomes for young people.

Two young people smiling whilst working on their laptop with an adult mentor by their side.

The DECE evaluation showed that young people who attend Code Club build their coding skills. They also become more confident in learning coding, grow their interest in it, and develop a sense of belonging. Researchers observed how each young person has their individual projects to work on, which promote a sense of ownership and personalised learning, but that there are also opportunities for collaboration and celebrating their achievements with other creators in the club.

Young people also develop positive attitudes to coding and a range of life skills such as problem solving and communication. These skills and mindsets prepare young people to confidently engage with emerging technologies and with learning in a broader context.

“Coding is really fun when I know what to do, but sometimes it is hard. But I always keep trying.”

– Code Club creator.

Another finding was that Code Clubs are a place where young people who experience difficulties in formal classroom settings can thrive. This suggests Code Clubs can help educators engage a more diverse group of young people in creating with technology than formal education alone could.

“We see pupils in completely different roles when they are doing these Code Club activities. They enjoy more, and you can see they have skills to do things that we otherwise don’t notice.”

– Code Club mentor.

None of the benefits for young people would be possible without the volunteers who give their time and make Code Clubs the positive learning environments they are. Their support is crucial to young people’s engagement and skill development. The evaluation showed that mentors find the experience of volunteering rewarding, and pointed us towards areas where we can offer further support to help them run engaging, impactful Code Clubs.

“…volunteering with Code Club has helped me feel I’m a useful member of society in my old age, so the benefits have been good for me too.”

– Code Club mentor.

How we’re building on our support for clubs

With AI already transforming so many parts of our lives, learning how to create with technology has never been more important. Generative AI is changing how humans give instructions to computers, and at Code Club, young people can experiment with new technologies such as AI in a safe environment. New projects that support young people to learn about AI technologies will be added to the Code Club Projects site later this month, alongside support for club leaders and mentors on this topic.

The evaluation methods used by the DECE will help us hone our ongoing impact measurement work for Code Clubs running in communities all over the world. As we continue to support Code Clubs, we are taking into account that the independent evaluation ran in school-based Code Clubs in the UK only. In our work to grow the Code Club network across the globe, we are adapting our support and resources for local contexts in collaboration with partners who share their expertise.

This will ensure that Code Clubs can provide a fun, welcoming space for all young people. And while they’re having fun, they will also gain relevant learning experiences that empower them to engage confidently with a world that is being transformed by digital technologies.

If you’re interested in the DECE evaluation’s results, we’ve put together a summary for you to download.

To get involved in Code Club, visit

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Celebrating Coolest Projects 2024, plus dates for 2025 Tue, 01 Oct 2024 10:02:56 +0000 Coolest Projects celebrates young digital creators and the amazing things they make with technology. Today, we’re sharing the impact that taking part in Coolest Projects showcases has on young people’s motivation and confidence, as well as announcing dates for Coolest Projects 2025. Coolest Projects in 2024 This year, 7197 young people across 4678 projects took…

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Coolest Projects celebrates young digital creators and the amazing things they make with technology. Today, we’re sharing the impact that taking part in Coolest Projects showcases has on young people’s motivation and confidence, as well as announcing dates for Coolest Projects 2025.

Coolest Projects will be back in 2025.

Coolest Projects in 2024

This year, 7197 young people across 4678 projects took part in our global Coolest Projects online showcase, with participants from 43 countries. All of these projects were shared in our online showcase gallery, and we hosted a live-streamed event celebrating the judges’ favourites watched by over 1000 people.

At the 2024 in-person Coolest Projects events in Ireland and the UK, 171 young people shared projects. At these events, the young creators presented their projects to other attendees and our team of judges. They also took part in other activities, including a digital escape room.

We wanted to understand how Coolest Projects impacts young people, and so we collected the following data:

  • For the online showcase, mentors and tech creators filled in a survey when they completed their project registration, and we ran focus groups with mentors, who are adults that support the tech creators
  • At the UK and Ireland in-person events, creators completed a survey, other event attendees completed feedback cards, and we also interviewed creators. 

Online showcase: Impact on skills and confidence

In the survey, mentors and young people told us that taking part in the Coolest Projects online showcase had a positive impact:

  • 91% of young people and 87% of mentors agreed or strongly agreed that taking part in Coolest Projects online inspired them or their team to continue to participate in computing and technology
  • 89% of young people and 86% of mentors agreed or strongly agreed that taking part in Coolest Projects online increased their or their team’s confidence in coding and digital making

Mentors told us that the community built by the online showcase gallery played an important role in making young people want to participate,  and improving their confidence. One mentor said that “[being part of the online showcase] motivates them actually to do something innovative and… [the] global community motivates them to think out of the box.”

The favourites in the web category for Coolest Projects 2024.

They also reported that the online community inspired young people to solve real-world problems. One mentor said, “the wonderful thing is the kids create so many things which are solutions to world problems.” Others told us that young people feel a great deal of pride that their solutions are available for others to see online and that they get ideas from other projects on how to solve problems. One mentor from India told us about a young person who created a boat to clean rivers and then was inspired to learn to program micro:bit devices, having seen similar projects in the gallery.

Focus on ‘growth, not competition’

The phrase ‘growth, not competition’ came from the mentors in the focus group, and we love this description.

“[With] Coolest Projects… the only agenda is to grow. Grow with the coding, nurture your skills, creativity.” – Focus group attendee.

In the focus group, mentors told us they really valued the way the Coolest Projects online showcase allows all young people to participate, including those who were less experienced tech creators. One mentor told us that because everyone’s project is displayed in the gallery the beauty is that everybody is encouraged individually… regarding the experience. … They can start with very small things. And they have [the] opportunity to upload it on the platform.”

One mentor who supports young people in remote locations in India spoke about the way Coolest Projects offers a level playing field where his students can be included and participate to the same extent as less remote places: “students never feel left behind.”

Three young people working together on a tech project.

The in-person events also reflected the diversity of young people’s experience of digital making. Of those creators who answered surveys, 35% said it was their first time making this kind of project, while 37% said they had made similar projects before. This mix of experience was also reflected in the interviews, with some young people creating something for the first time and having only started learning coding recently, while others had been developing their projects for a long time. Many creators told us they felt inspired by the opportunity to show their projects to others, regardless of their experience level.

In-person events: Building a community of digital creators

Attendees at both Coolest Projects UK and Ireland commented on the sense of community and the excitement that was generated by being around other young people. One young person spoke about how much they enjoyed being “surrounded by people who like coding too”. They really valued seeing other creators’ projects and speaking with their peers.

The exhibition hall at Coolest Projects Ireland 2023.

The young people we spoke to reflected on the positive impact of this sense of community and belonging. They told us that seeing others’ projects inspired them to develop their ideas and learn new skills. One young person described how the in-person event allowed them to get inspired and socialise.” A second said, “that’s why I’m here — to get inspired.”

Another clear theme was how much young people valued the opportunity to show their projects to others. This gave them confidence in their own ability to build things. One creator at Coolest Projects UK spoke about the sense of achievement they felt after building something themselves and then being able to present it to others.

Two young people share a project on their laptop with a judge at Coolest Projects.

Young people at both events spoke about their plans for what they wanted to do next, talking about trying new technology such as building games, learning Python, and creating mobile apps. At both events, creators described how they wanted to continue to develop and build on their existing ideas with the possibility of showcasing them again.

What we want to learn next

We are continuing to look for ways to improve the Coolest Projects experience for young people and their mentors. As part of this, we are conducting user experience research to understand how we can improve the registration process for the online Coolest Projects showcase.

We were delighted to hear from mentors in this year’s focus group how much they valued the online showcase gallery, and we want to understand the impact of this resource better as part of Coolest Projects 2025. If you want to find out more about Coolest Projects, we highly recommend taking a look at the amazing projects made by young people around the world

Dates for Coolest Projects 2025

We’re so pleased that so many young people around the world loved taking part in Coolest Projects this year. And we’re very excited that Coolest Projects will be back and bigger than ever before in 2025! 

The Coolest Projects online showcase is open to any young person up to age 18, based anywhere in the world. Registration opens 14 January, and we’ll host a celebratory livestream on 25 June.

A Coolest Projects sign with two people doing handstands in front of it.

Coolest Projects in-person events will also be popping up around the world. In-person events are open to everyone up to age 18 in the host country. Family and friends are very welcome to come along too. 

Save the date for:

  • Coolest Projects Ireland, 1 March 2025
  • Coolest Projects USA, 5 April 2025
  • Coolest Projects Belgium, 26 April 2025
  • Coolest Projects UK, 17 May 2025
  • Coolest Projects Ghana, date TBC
  • Coolest Projects India, date TBC
  • Coolest Projects Malaysia, date TBC
  • Coolest Projects South Africa, date TBC

Keep an eye on the Coolest Projects website for more event dates and details coming soon.

It’s never too early to start making and saving digital projects to showcase next year. We can’t wait to see what the world’s young tech creators will make!

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The Computing Curriculum: Three global perspectives Thu, 26 Sep 2024 09:22:16 +0000 Across continents and cultural contexts, our free Computing Curriculum serves as a common thread that connects educators. Read the stories of 3 educators who share their thoughts on the curriculum’s application, adaptability, and the impact it’s had on their educational settings.  I’m Freda, and I co-founded a non-profit organisation called Waloyo in South Africa. Coming…

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Across continents and cultural contexts, our free Computing Curriculum serves as a common thread that connects educators. Read the stories of 3 educators who share their thoughts on the curriculum’s application, adaptability, and the impact it’s had on their educational settings. 

I’m Freda, and I co-founded a non-profit organisation called Waloyo in South Africa.

Photo of Freda, co-founder of the non-profit organisation called Waloyo.

Coming from a background of technology consulting, I know the value of computing education. I have a real drive to teach young kids coding so they can get ahead and find jobs in our digital economy.

Our role at Waloyo is to work with non-profit organisations that work with young people and want to expand their services to include computing skills training. Waloyo trains non-profit facilitators, who in turn teach computing skills to youth between the ages of 6 and 18. A unique challenge is that the majority of facilitators we train don’t have any previous computing experience. The resources we use need to be clear and easy to follow.

What I really love about The Computing Curriculum resources is the facilitator guides.

Our initial plan was to run the training programmes after school and outside the school curriculum, but we were getting requests from schools to support them too. South Africa doesn’t have a national computing curriculum, so there aren’t many subject specialist teachers. So we looked for curriculum resources from other countries to support our work and that’s how we found The Computing Curriculum. 

In rural Africa where we work, students have low levels of exposure to computers and computing. So whether they are 6 or 18 years old, we usually start with Scratch. The younger kids then continue with Scratch and the older kids move quickly on to Python as they build confidence.

Screenshot of Scratch 3 interface

What I really love about The Computing Curriculum resources is the facilitator guides. They fit in well with our process of training NGO facilitators to work directly with the kids. I love the comprehensiveness and flexibility of what your curriculum provides to enable this method of delivery.

So far we’ve launched 3 programmes in communities in South Africa, impacting around 150 young people, and it’s worked beautifully. It’s phenomenal to see how excited the kids get when the computer does what they want it to do!

I’m Al, and I’ve been a secondary science teacher since 1991.

Photo of Al out hiking in rocky terrain.

For the past 13 years, I’ve taught in international schools. Two years ago, I decided to retrain in teaching computing. My wife and I are currently teaching in Kazakhstan. I now teach at primary level but still handle some secondary classes. For primary, there’s significant time pressure, especially with extra lessons for the local language, making it challenging to fit computing into the schedule.

The private schools where I work are starting to implement the UK computer science curriculum. At one of the schools, they have a robotics course which has given rise to a misconception that everything in computing is about robotics! My role, therefore, involves expanding the concept of robotics to include a broader range of computing activities and finding efficient ways to integrate these new materials into the curriculum with minimal effort from the staff. I focus on selecting appropriate units to fit into what the schools are already doing rather than implementing a comprehensive new program.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s curriculum resources are valuable because they provide comprehensive lists of programs and ideas that I can adapt for my colleagues. I adapt resources to make them more accessible for primary teachers, simplifying and customising them for ease of use.

The Raspberry Pi Foundation’s curriculum resources are valuable because they provide comprehensive lists of programs and ideas that I can adapt for my colleagues.

Once students understand that computing is a tool for developing skills rather than just passive consumption, they take ownership of their learning which boosts their confidence. Culturally relevant materials are particularly effective, especially in diverse international classrooms. Adapting resources to be culturally relevant and incorporating students’ examples enhances their usefulness and impact. The resources are excellent, but by tailoring them, they can be even more effective, particularly in an international context with diverse nationalities and learning concepts.

Head of ICT at an international school in Egypt

In a computing classroom, a boy looks down at a keyboard.

As Head of Department, I am responsible for what all the different age groups learn, from year 1 to year 12. We use the Cambridge International (CIE) curriculum, so I was looking for supplementary resources that build from the basics, have a clear progression map, and complement the resources we already had.

With The Computing Curriculum, it is easy to pick out individual lesson resources to use. I love that it doesn’t need a licence and that the students don’t face any problems when they download it to practise at home. I’m covering curriculums for both computing and digital literacy, so I use resources that are relevant to my curriculum maps.

With The Computing Curriculum, it is easy to pick out individual lesson resources to use.

In some schools, their idea of an ICT lesson is getting students to play games, use Word documents, make PowerPoint presentations, and that’s it. But this generation of students love coding and making their own games. So instead of playing the game, we teach them how to develop a game and how to add the characters themselves.

From year 1 to year 2, students take part in a wide range of computing activities and develop a lot of new skills. They find these skills amazing. It makes them feel engaged, excited, and that they are doing something valuable.

Using The Computing Curriculum 

These educators’ stories show how easy it is to adapt our Computing Curriculum to your unique context, enhancing students’ technical skills and inspiring creativity, critical thinking, and a passion for problem-solving. We look forward to continuing this journey with these and other educators as they transform computing education for their learners.

If you’re looking for new computing resources to teach with, why not give The Computing Curriculum a try? You can also read our culturally relevant pedagogy research that Al mentions in his interview.

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Celebrating Astro Pi 2024 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 10:33:57 +0000 About the projects Over the past few months, young people across Europe have run their computer programs on the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Astro Pi, an ESA Education project run in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation. Astro Pi Mission Zero offers young people the chance to write a simple program that takes…

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About the projects

Over the past few months, young people across Europe have run their computer programs on the International Space Station (ISS) as part of Astro Pi, an ESA Education project run in collaboration with the Raspberry Pi Foundation.

Mission Zero code deployment
Mission Zero code deployment | Credits: ESA/NASA

Astro Pi Mission Zero offers young people the chance to write a simple program that takes a reading from the colour and luminosity sensor on an Astro Pi computer on board the ISS, and uses it to set the background colour in a personalised image for the astronauts to see as they go about their daily tasks. In total, 16,039 teams and 24,663 young people participated in Mission Zero this year. This was a 3% increase in teams entering compared to last year.

Astro Pi Mission Space Lab offers teams of young people the chance to run scientific experiments on board the ISS. This year, 564 teams and 2,008 young people participated in Mission Space Lab. Compared with last year, there was a 4% increase in the number of teams who managed to achieve flight status and run their code in space.

Two young people at a computer.

To evaluate the projects, we encouraged mentors to complete surveys once their teams had submitted their computer programs. Overall, 135 Mission Zero mentors (11% of mentors) and 56 Mission Space Lab mentors (15% of mentors) completed surveys. We also ran focus groups with mentors from both projects to understand their experiences and the impact of these projects on young people.

Impact on young people

Understanding how technology is changing the world

The mentors we spoke to told us how valuable Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab are because these experiences connect young people to real technology. Mentors felt that Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab bridge the gap between theoretical coding and tangible outcomes, giving young people the confidence to engage with technology.

“Participating in Mission Space Lab offers students a great opportunity to work with the International Space Station, to see the Earth from above, to challenge them to overcome the terrestrial limits. It’s very important.” — Mission Space Lab mentor

A young person working on a coding project on a computer.

“We want students to use their digital skills as superpowers to make the world a better place and this competition really aligns with that because regardless of your race, your ethnicity, your gender, you can write some code that actually runs in space. And if you can do that, then you can make medical tech, or you can solve the big problem that the adults of the world are still grappling with, so it’s the opening up [of] opportunities.” — Mission Zero mentor

Mentors observed that the project inspired children to consider careers they previously thought were out of reach. Space exploration was no longer a far away and theoretical idea for the children, but something connected to their everyday lives and their own learning.

“Some of the people that I was teaching this to felt like becoming an astronaut was really difficult to learn… now it’s not necessarily a distant thing to study.” — Mission Zero mentor

Mentors also described how the young people gained confidence in their ability to engage with technologies. One mentor described the “self-esteem” and “pride” younger pupils gained from participation. Others talked about the confidence that came with achieving something like having their code run in space and receiving certificates proving they were “space scientists”.

Our mentors

None of this would be possible without the hard work and dedication of our mentors. So, as part of our evaluation, we wanted to understand how we can best support them. For Mission Space Lab, that took the form of assessing the new guidance that we published this year and that sits alongside the project. When we spoke to mentors, they told us this guide provided clear, step-by-step guidance that enabled the young people to work through the project, and the majority of survey respondents agreed: 89% rated the Mission Space Lab project guide as somewhat or very understandable. 

We also heard from mentors about the ways they are using Mission Zero in a wider context. Some told us that their schools ran the project as part of space-themed weeks where they used Mission Zero in conversations about space exploration, the Hubble telescope, and learning the names of the stars. Others used Mission Zero across multiple subjects by designing images and holding art competitions based on the design, as well as learning about pixels and animations. 

A young person at a desk using a computer.

Additionally, it was a pleasure to hear about young people who had participated in Mission Zero in previous years gaining leadership skills by supporting other young people to complete Mission Zero this year.

Next steps

Thank you to all the mentors who provided constructive feedback through surveys and focus groups. We have read and considered every comment and will continue to consider how to improve the experience for mentors and young people. 

We will publish an in-depth report with the findings of our evaluation later in the year; however, we’ve already made some changes to the programme that will be launching for the 2024/25 Astro Pi challenge and wanted to share these updates with you now.

Improvements for next year:

Mission Zero

  • We’re adding a save button to Mission Zero to allow young people to work on this across multiple sessions.
  • We’re adding new code examples to the Mission Zero project guide. These have been selected from team submissions from the 2023/24 challenge.

Mission Space Lab

  • We’re creating an online testing tool for Mission Space Lab so that it will be easier for teams to test whether or not their code works. It will feature new data and images captured from the ISS in spring 2024.

We hope that all the young people and mentors who participated in last year’s Astro Pi challenge enjoyed the experience and learnt a lot. With the exciting updates we’re working on for the 2024/25 Astro Pi challenge, we hope to see even more young people participate and share their creative projects next year.

Project launch dates

  • 16 September 2024: Mission Zero and Mission Space Lab launch
  • 24 February 2025: Mission Space Lab submissions close
  • 24 March 2025: Mission Zero submissions close
  • April – May 2025: Programs run on the International Space Station
  • June 2025: Teams receive certificates 

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Introducing a computing curriculum in Odisha Thu, 20 Jun 2024 10:52:54 +0000 We are working with two partner organisations in Odisha, India, to develop and roll out the IT & Coding Curriculum (Kaushali), a computing curriculum for government high schools. Last year we launched the first part of the curriculum and rolled out teacher training. Read on to find out what we have learned from this work.…

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We are working with two partner organisations in Odisha, India, to develop and roll out the IT & Coding Curriculum (Kaushali), a computing curriculum for government high schools. Last year we launched the first part of the curriculum and rolled out teacher training. Read on to find out what we have learned from this work.

A group of teachers is standing outside a school building.

Supporting government schools in Odisha to teach computing

Previously we shared an insight into how we established Code Clubs in Odisha to bring computing education to young people. Now we are partnering with two Indian civil society organisations to develop high school curriculum resources for computing and support teachers to deliver this content.

With our two partners, we trained 311 master teachers during July and August 2023. The master teachers, most often mathematics or science teachers, were in turn tasked with training teachers from around 8000 government schools. The aim of the training was to enable the 8000 teachers to deliver the curriculum to grades 9 and 10 in the June 2023 – April 2024 academic year.

A master teacher is delivering a training session to a group of teachers.

At the Foundation, we have been responsible for providing ongoing support to 1898 teachers from 10 districts throughout the academic year, including through webinars and other online and in-person support.

To evaluate the impact our work in Odisha is having, we gathered data using a mixed-methods approach that included gathering feedback from teachers via surveys and interviews, visiting schools, capturing reflections from our trainers, and reviewing a sample of students’ projects.

Positive impact on teachers and students

In our teacher survey, respondents were generally positive about the curriculum resources:

  • 87% of the 385 respondents agreed that the curriculum resources were both high quality and useful for their teaching
  • 91% agreed that they felt more confident to teach students IT & Coding as a result of the curriculum resources

Teachers also tended to agree that the initial training had helped improve their understanding and confidence, and they appreciated our ongoing support webinars.

“The curriculum resources are very useful for students.” – Teacher in Odisha

“The webinar is very useful to acquire practical knowledge regarding the specific topics.”  – Teacher in Odisha

Teachers who responded to our survey observed a positive impact on students:

  • 93% agreed their students’ digital literacy skills had improved
  • 90% agreed that their students’ coding knowledge had improved

Students’ skills were also demonstrated by the Scratch projects we reviewed. And students from Odisha shared 314 projects in Coolest Projects — our online technology showcase for young people — including the project ‘We’ll build a new Odisha’ and an apple catching game.

Teachers learning Scratch coding in Odisha.

Feedback and observations about teacher training

On school visits, our team observed that the teachers adopted and implemented the practical elements of the initial training quite well. However, survey responses and interviews showed that often teachers were not yet using all the elements of the curriculum as intended.

In their feedback, many teachers expressed a need for further regular training and support, and some reported additional challenges, such as other demands on their time and access to equipment.

Teacher training about Scratch coding in Odisha.

When we observed training sessions master teachers delivered to teachers, we saw that, in some cases, information was lost within the training cascade (from our trainers, to master teachers, to teachers), including details about the intended pedagogical approach. It can be difficult to introduce experienced teachers to new pedagogical methods within a short training session, and teachers’ lack of computing knowledge also presents a challenge.

We will use all this data to shape how we support teachers going forward. Some teachers didn’t share feedback, and so in our further evaluation work, we will focus on making sure we hear a broad and representative range of teachers’ views and experiences.

What’s new this year?

In the current academic year, we are rolling out more advanced curriculum content for grade 10 students, including AI literacy resources developed at the Foundation. We’re currently training master teachers on this content, and they will pass on their knowledge to other teachers in the coming months. Based on teachers’ feedback, the grade 10 curriculum and the training also include a recap of some key points from the grade 9 curriculum.

Two master teachers are delivering a presentation to teachers.

A State Resource Group (SRG) has also been set up, consisting of 30 teachers who will support us with planning and providing ongoing support to master teachers and other teachers in Odisha. We have already trained the SRG members on the new curriculum content to enable them to best support teachers across the state. In addition to this, our local team in Odisha plans to conduct more visits and reach out directly to teachers more often. 

Our plans for the future

The long-term vision for our work in India is to enable any school in India to teach students about computing and creating with digital technologies. A critical part of achieving this vision is the development of a comprehensive computing curriculum for grade 6 to 12, specifically tailored for government schools in India. Thanks to our work in Odisha, we are in a better position to understand the unique challenges and limitations of government schools. We’re designing our curriculum to address these challenges and ensure that every Indian student has the opportunity to thrive in the 21st century. If you would like to know more about our work and impact in India, please reach out to us via

We take evaluation of our work seriously and are always looking to understand how we can improve and increase the impact we have on the lives of young people. To find out more about our approach to impact, you can read about our recently updated theory of change, which supports how we evaluate what we do.

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Gaining skills and confidence: The impact of Code Club and CoderDojo Wed, 08 May 2024 08:07:53 +0000 Through Code Club and CoderDojo we support the world’s largest network of free informal computing clubs for young people. The clubs network reaches young people in 126 countries across the globe, and we estimate that the 4,557 Code Clubs and 771 CoderDojos are attended by more than 200,000 young people globally.  All these clubs are…

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Through Code Club and CoderDojo we support the world’s largest network of free informal computing clubs for young people.

  • Code Club is a global network of after-school coding clubs for learners aged 9 to 13, where educators and other volunteers help young people learn about coding and digital making
  • CoderDojo is a worldwide network of free, open, and community-based programming clubs for young people aged 7 to 17, where they get the opportunity to learn how to create fantastic new things with technology

The clubs network reaches young people in 126 countries across the globe, and we estimate that the 4,557 Code Clubs and 771 CoderDojos are attended by more than 200,000 young people globally. 

Two children code on laptops while an adult supports them.

All these clubs are run by incredible volunteers and educators who help young people to learn computing and coding. Every year, we ask the volunteers to tell us about their experiences in our annual clubs survey. Below we share some highlights from this year’s survey results.

About the survey

We want to know more about volunteers in the network, how they run their clubs, and what impact the club sessions have for young people. Understanding this better helps us to improve the support we give to volunteers and young people around the world. This year we received over 300 responses, which has given us valuable insights and feedback.

What are the clubs like?

Improving gender balance in computing is part of our work to ensure equitable learning opportunities for all young people. Girls’ participation in the CodeDojo community has risen from 30% to 35% between 2023 and 2024, while 40% of Code Club attendees are girls.

Three learners working at laptops.

Clubs are using a wide variety of technologies and tools to support young people with their coding. According to the survey, the most popular coding tool was Scratch, which nearly all of the volunteers said they used in their club. Over 60% of volunteers reported using micro:bits, and over 50% mentioned Python.

What impact is the clubs network having?

We asked volunteers to tell us what changes they had seen in young people as a result of being part of a club. Volunteers fed back to us about the positive community created by clubs where young people felt safe and included. This was evidenced by the way young people felt able to share their ideas and support other young people:

A young person shows off their Scratch code projected onto a wall.

“The more experienced members are both capable and competent to demonstrate their skills to less experienced children. For example, they recently ran a full-day session for the whole school to complete the Astro Pi Mission Zero project.” – Code Club volunteer

Volunteers reported increases in young people’s skills and confidence in digital making and engaging with technology (see graph below). They also agreed that young people developed other skills, with nearly 90% noting improvements in problem solving, personal confidence, and creative thinking.

A graph indicating that more than 90% of survey respondents reported that young people improve their skills and confidence through attending Code Club or CoderDojo.

How are we supporting volunteers?

These positive outcomes are the result of the hard work and dedication of the club volunteers. Based on the survey, we estimate that at the time of the survey, there were over 6000 Code Club leaders and almost 3000 CoderDojo champions around the world. Many of the volunteers are motivated to volunteer by a love of teaching and a desire to pass on their skills.

A group of young people and educators smiling while engaging with a computer.

These volunteers are part of a global network, and 80% of volunteers said that belonging to this global community of clubs was motivating for them. Volunteers particularly valued the access to resources and information being part of a global community offered, as well as opportunities to share ideas and problem solve.

The majority of Code Clubs are mostly or always using our digital making pathways and projects as part of their clubs. Volunteers value the projects’ step-by-step structure and how easy they are to follow.

“Great structure to allow the kids to self-learn whilst keeping a good amount of creativity for them.” – Code Club volunteer

We plan to do more to ensure that clubs around the world find these projects and pathways accessible and useful for their sessions with young people.

What’s next

The survey has helped us to identify a number of areas where we can support club volunteers even better. Volunteers identified help getting equipment and funding as the main things they needed support with, as well as recruitment of volunteers and young people. We are looking at the best ways we can lend a hand to the clubs network in these areas.

You can read the survey report to dive deeper into the findings.

We take impact seriously and are always looking to understand how we can improve and increase the impact we have on the lives of children and young people. To find out more about our approach to impact, you can read about our recently updated theory of change, which supports how we evaluate what we do. 

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