Tag: Hello World
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Green information technology and classroom discussions
The global IT industry generates as much CO2 as the aviation industry
Snapshots from the history of AI, plus AI education resources
Definitions of AI have been shifting
Hello World’s first-ever special edition is here!
Practical approaches to teaching computing in your classroom
Inspiring learners about computing through health and well-being projects | Hello World #17
Engaging students in computing with practical contexts and topics they care about
How do you use data to solve a real-world problem? | Hello World #16
"The aim is to empower students."
The all-new Hello World podcast for educators interested in computing and digital making
Tune into our new Hello World podcast!
Universal design for learning in computing | Hello World #15
A primer on how computing educators can apply the Universal Design for Learning framework
What are the effects of the pandemic on education? | Hello World #13
What challenges will students and educators face?
Using data to help a school garden
Kids are using Raspberry Pi to help them grow and sell perfect veg
Hello World Issue 6: Ethical Computing
Our guide to ethical computing, new online training courses, introducing Microblocks, and more...
Hello World Issue 5: Engineering
Celebrating the Year of Engineering, inclusive computing teaching, tech-themed trips, and more
Hello World Issue 4: Professional Development
Approaches to professional development, and much more