Tag: machine learning
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How do we develop AI education in schools? A panel discussion
Insights from the perspective of policy, industry, and young people
The machine learning effect: Magic boxes and computational thinking 2.0
Machine learning is not magic — how can we teach learners to understand it?
Learn the fundamentals of AI and machine learning with our free online course
Understand the foundations and try online tools for building your own AI systems
Should we teach AI and ML differently to other areas of computer science? A challenge
Centring data instead of code
What’s a kangaroo?! AI ethics lessons for and from the younger generation
AI systems are already having an impact on children’s lives
Educating young people in AI, machine learning, and data science: new seminar series
AI impacts everyone, so we need to teach young people about it
Learning AI at school — a peek into the opaque box
How are we preparing young people for the future shaped by AI?
Try our new free machine learning projects for Scratch
You're never too young to learn about machine learning!