GCSE – Lesson 4 – Input

Curriculum KS4 Unit Lesson

During this lesson learners will start to add interactivity to their programs by introducing the input() function. Learners are given a demonstration of how input() is used in Python and then asked to add this feature in their silly stories that were created last lesson. Learners are then introduced to the five main data types that they need to understand. This is done first through theory teaching and then a practical activity where learners predict, run and investigate a program that includes the five data types. Whilst learning about input, learners are also introduced to functions and data validation techniques. These will be covered in more detail later on in the course.

Learning objectives

  • Obtain input from the keyboard in a program
  • Differentiate between the data types; integer, real, Boolean, character, string
  • Cast variables by calling a function that will return a new value of the desired data type
  • Define runtime errors in programs
  • Define validation checks

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework