GCSE – Lesson 4 – Linear search

Curriculum KS4 Unit Lesson

In this lesson, learners are introduced to one of the two searching algorithms they need to know about - linear search. They will go over the steps of carrying out a linear search, and perform a linear search in real life and with a sample of data.

They will look into how searching is a common activity for both computers and humans and discuss how the instructions can differ when the items are unordered or ordered. At this point linear search will be introduced as the only reasonable way to search through an unordered list of items before being shown a demonstration in the slides using a number hidden under a row of cups.

Learners will follow the instructions of a linear search themselves with a set of 10 cards in small groups. Afterwhich, they will be introduced to the best and worst-case scenario of the performance of an algorithm before carrying out a linear search on a small sample of data.

Learning objectives

  • Identify why computers often need to search data
  • Describe how linear search is used for finding the position of an item in a list of items
  • Perform a linear search to find the position of an item in a list

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework