Year 9 – Lesson 5 – Make a thing

Curriculum KS3 Unit Lesson

In this lesson, learners will be provided with a selection of meaningful mini-projects that will allow them to apply the knowledge and skills they have acquired so far. Each project contains a short introduction that provides context, a detailed description of what learners are expected to develop, and a set of clues that will support them in putting together a solution. Each learner is expected to select one of the mini-projects and complete it within this lesson, or in the first part of the next one.

Before starting work on the projects, two short activities will provide learners with additional support around accumulating sums and using for to iterate over strings. This is generally important and will also prove useful in some of the projects.

Learning objectives

  • Use iteration (for loops) to iterate over lists and strings
  • Use variables to keep track of counts and sums
  • Combine key programming language features to develop solutions to meaningful problems

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework