Year 7 – Lesson 6 – Problem-solving

Curriculum KS3 Unit Lesson

This is the final lesson of the first unit of programming in Year 7. The lesson starts with a game of ‘Beat the teacher’ where the learners are required to write down as many as the key words relating to this unit that they can. After a minute, the teacher will also play and the learners will see if they’d written down more words than the teacher. The main activity for the lesson will be learners’ main summative assessment task where they are required to independently work through tasks to complete a dance move game. The plenary for the lesson allows the learners an opportunity to reflect and assess the skills that they have developed throughout the unit.

Learning objectives

  • Independently design and apply programming constructs to solve a problem (subroutine, selection, count-controlled iteration, operators, and variables)

Package contents

  • Lesson plans
  • Slide decks
  • Learner resources
  • Homework