Tag: research
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Does AI-assisted coding boost novice programmers’ skills or is it just a shortcut?
How do AI tools impact novice programmers?
Using generative AI to teach computing: Insights from research
Can large language models improve students’ learning experiences in computing?
How to make debugging a positive experience for secondary school students
It’s important to understand why students struggle with debugging in order to better support them
How useful do teachers find error message explanations generated by AI? Pilot research results
LLM explanations of programming error messages and feedback literacy
Empowering undergraduate computer science students to shape generative AI research
Research with and from undergraduates around generative AI tools
New resource to help teachers make Computing culturally relevant
10 areas of opportunity to make Computing engaging for all learners
Using an AI code generator with school-age beginner programmers
How do beginner programmers aged 10–17 use AI code generators?
Supporting learners with programming tasks through AI-generated Parson’s Problems
Parson’s Problems can be used to scaffold students who struggle while writing code from scratch
Grounded cognition: physical activities and learning computing
Grounded cognition offers a new perspective on how children learn
Introducing the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre
Combining our expertise with that of the University of Cambridge
How is computing taught in schools around the world?
Investigating the world's formal computing education systems
Mathematics and programming: exploring the links
Teaching programming, separately and in conjunction with other subjects