
Through original research and convening a global network of independent researchers, we are deepening our understanding of how young people learn about computing and digital making, and advancing the field of computing education.

We work on our research projects in collaboration with the University of Cambridge at the Raspberry Pi Computing Education Research Centre.

A speaker at a research seminar.

Research projects

We engage in rigorous original research around computing education and learning for young people, particularly those who are traditionally under-represented in the field of computing or who experience educational disadvantage. We are working on two related research strands: computing for all, and the teaching and learning of computing.

Research projects

Events and seminars

We regularly host events that support the development of a global community interested in current computing education research. Our monthly online research seminars feature presentations from the world’s best researchers in the field.

Upcoming seminars
Teachers in a training workshop

Research publications

We share all of our research work through blogs, reports, papers from our research seminars, and academic publications. We ensure that open-access versions of our academic publications are available.

Research publications